CD ROM duplication and replication services for San Diego, California Disc Services is located in San Diego, California
Disc Services Company Information

Featured music artists, recording labels and interesting links

New Pants Publishing
102 E. Pike Peak Ave. #200
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Kitchen Whore Records
460 S. 11th Street
San Jose, CA 95112

Access Music Label
1705 Peggy Court Suite One
Petaluma, CA 94954

Crustacean Records
P.O. Box 37384
Milwaukee, WI 53237-0384

Blue Steel Records
P.O. Box 7047
San Diego, CA 92167

STUNT Records, Inc.
PO Box 86421
San Diego, CA 92138

Bley Brothers Garage
PO Box 2063
Tucson, AZ 85702-2063

FastLane Records
1029 Cambridge
Oklahoma City ,OK 73160

Marquis Records LLC.
1435 South Street
Long Beach Ca. 90805

PODWALL Recordings
Ambient, IDM, Chillout, Deep Electro Belarus
Gomel 246012 prospekt Oktyabrya 74-45
Vladimir V Hropov 

La Cocoa Rouge Records
P.O. Box 5692
Lancaster, CA 93539


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