

- New Music Label.com
Your Ticket into the Music Business. Where Singers,
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Music Label is a one-stop solution for seeking, finding, and managing all
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- Recording Channel
A music maker community
- Music Producers and Production Music producers and production for songwriters,
artists, publishers
and record labels.
- WorldWideOCR
Helping writers, artists, photographers and inventors affordably
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- Old Pants Publishing
- Musicians Ads
- La Costa Music-"The Music
Business One Stop"
- Stanger Page
- Modern Rhythm
- National Music Publishers' Association
The Harry Fox Agency
TAXI: The Independent A&R Vehicle connecting unsigned artists, bands
and songwriters with major record labels, publishers, and film & TV music
Recording Connection
Audio Recording Center
musicianscontact.com -
The primary source of employment for musicians nationwide, established 31
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Berkleemusic - Online music
school for the continuing education and music career network from Berklee
College of Music.
- DVD Software Review Online Source - We have everything you need for DVD Copy, DVD Burning, DVD Ripping & DVD Authoring.
- pigFACTORY - pigFACTORY is an international Music Publishing and Producer Managment company
- Music Business: Producers. - Music Business: Producers, your resource for digital media information, articles, news, tips & more.
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